The Devil’s Playground is a wordless narrative told across 40 pages of illustrations.
This was my Final Major Project for my third and final year of studying BA Hons Illustration at the University for the Creative Arts (Farnham).
I have taken inspiration from graphic novels and various illustrative sources to create a narrative that allows the reader to explore and discover a refreshing way of storytelling and to hopefully leave the audience asking questions and making comparisons to modern day issues.

I wanted to create a narrative that was open enough for the readers interpretations but also feels connected enough that the wordless experience isn’t alienating.

Pages 1-2

Pages 3-4

Pages 5-6

Pages 7-8

Pages 9-10

Pages 11-12

Early on in the project I decided that it would be fun to create some kind of ticket or postcard that I could send out to family and friends as invites to the graduation show. Unfortunately due to covid it was cancelled but I decided to make them anyway and use them to promote this project and my work.

Physical Postcards
Final Design