‘Love No More’ is the latest single by the band Savage Hands
I have had this song on repeat since it dropped and once I had this idea I knew that I had to turn it into reality.
I created traditional tattoo style imagery and connected it with the themes of the song and created my own interpretation.
I created the piece using ProCreate using an iPad Pro and made some tweaks using Adobe Photoshop.
To check out the music video for ‘Love No More’

“I don’t wanna love no more.
I don’t wanna lie like this you know. I’ve been holding on too long again. Been running up the walls afraid.”
Love No More - Savage Hands

Final Cover Design
One thing I love about creating illustrations is creating mockups to see how they look combined with physical objects.
It allows you to see the design in a whole new light.

CD Front Mockup

CD Open Mockup
Vinyl Record Mockup
Normally for most projects I will sketch out multiple designs and ideas but for this my idea for it was so clear that I literally did one sketch and went on to create it.

Initial Sketch


Final Design